Group/Demo: justinblue
graffity / justinblue / Intro (12 Feb 2023)Hires charset countdown animation below with a hires sprite circle/year multiplexer above. Shows some hires bitmaps with sprite overlays.
Cheesion 50 fps graffity / justinblue / Colorbars (12 Feb 2023)39 vertical multicolor raster bars using all 16 colors.
Cheesion 252x122 pixels 50 fps #kefrens #kefrens-16color graffity / justinblue / Cycling (12 Feb 2023)Animated AFLI “plasma”. Actually this is just 4 animated bitmap phases where the vram is cycled by runtime generated code.
Grabowsky 256x80 pixels 50 fps #plasma #plasma-16color #afli #colorcycling #colorcycling-animated #colorcycling-animated-afli graffity / justinblue / Cheesboarding (12 Feb 2023)Four multicolor chessboards in front of each other. It creates 3 chessboards by using multicolor charsets, and overlays an x-steched hires sprite layer for the top chessboard.
Cheesion 320x115 pixels 50 fps #chessboard #chessboard-zoomer graffity / justinblue / Rotation (12 Feb 2023)Multicolor animation with sprite overlays.
Cheesion 320x200 pixels 50 fps graffity / justinblue / Eight Bit Digi (12 Feb 2023)8 bit digi with triangle wave form and reset bit.
Grabowsky #digi #digi-8bit graffity / justinblue / Collection (12 Feb 2023)Horizontal multicolor FLI image stretcher.
Cheesion 294x196 pixels 50 fps #fli #fli-multi #bitmapstretch graffity / justinblue / Retrospection (12 Feb 2023)24 char wide hires scroll over a multicolor FLI image going out to the upper and lower border. This is 2-line FLI, only every second line changes the vram colors.
Cheesion 296x273 pixels 50 fps #fli #fli-multi #upscroll #upscroll-hires